Sowing lunar calendar for 2016. table

At first glance, planting a summer cottage and caring for plants is a simple task. But in reality this is not entirely true. In order for trees and seedlings to give a good harvest, you need to know some secrets of their planting, take good care of them and water them on time. Many gardeners use the lunar planting calendar, as they believe that the moon has an effect on the germination and further growth of the plant. In this article you will find Lunar calendar 2023 in the form of a table and you will be able to determine for yourself the optimal time for carrying out various summer cottage works.

Lunar sowing calendar 2023

  • For January

Lunar sowing calendar 2023

  • February

February: landing calendar

  • March

Lunar planting calendar for March 2023

  • April

Landing lunar calendar for April 2023

  • May

Landings in May according to the lunar table

  • June

Landings table for June 2023

  • July

Ancient farmers noticed that the phases of the moon affect not only the ebb and flow, but also the plants.

  • August

Some gardeners think that last year's calendar can be used, but it will no longer be relevant,

  • September

May you have a good harvest at your dacha in 2023. You can only grow plants with your own hands.

  • October

Lunar planting calendar for October 2023

  • November

November 2023 calendar

  • December

Landings table for December

Ancient farmers noticed that the phases of the moon affect not only the ebb and flow, but also the plants. The lunar calendar in the table is very convenient to use, since if you wish, you can simply print it and hang it in the country, so as not to forget about the phases of the moon. On the basis of annual research, a lunar sowing calendar arose. It contains data on when is a favorable time for fertilizing the soil, controlling weeds, pests, loosening, hilling, weeding and other summer cottages.

Also read: Planting chrysanthemums outdoors

Some gardeners think that last year’s calendar can be used, but it will no longer be relevant, since the time for favorable plantings changes every year. In nature, everything is interconnected, therefore, it is believed that when the moon grows, plants also grow actively, and when the moon decreases, on the contrary, the roots of plants are strengthened. It is not recommended to plant or transplant plants on the waning moon, as they may simply not start.

Remember that there is work in the country even in the winter months, because this way you can start preparatory work and, after warming, immediately start planting plants. You need to prune trees in time to form their crown, and in the future, harvest without much effort.

Table of works in the country in 2023

Now you can use the lunar calendar and experiment how relevant the tips for planting a variety of plants are. May you have a good harvest at your dacha in 2023. You can only grow plants with your own hands, but also do a lot of crafts, so see the different headings on our website. Do not forget to decorate your site with products from scrap materials, because then your garden work will turn into a real creative process..