Tomato Cosmonaut Volkov: reviews, photos, who planted

Thanks to the development of breeding, many new varieties of vegetables and fruits have appeared. Buying seeds today is not a problem, the main thing is to understand what will grow of them in the future. If you love tomatoes, check out what reviews you got tomato Cosmonaut Volkov. Photos and opinions of those who planted will help you decide on the choice of tomato varieties that will grow on your site.

The advantages of the tomato variety Cosmonaut Volkov

The name of the tomato Cosmonaut Volkov was not accidental. The former cosmonaut, when he retired, began to grow vegetables. When he got a good harvest from tomato seeds, he named it after his friend. Each variety of vegetables has its own advantages and disadvantages. Often, the choice of seeds depends on the purpose you are pursuing: making salads, juicing, or canning. The advantages of the Cosmonaut Volkov variety include:

  1. Good taste. If you love aromatic tomatoes, then this variety is for you. Several times the tomato Cosmonaut Volkov won prizes at exhibitions in the nomination “The most delicious tomato”.
  2. Large fruits. On average, the weight of the fruit is 300 grams, the largest fruit weighed 600 grams.
  3. Suitable for greenhouse cultivation. If you live in a warm region, you can try to land Cosmonaut Volkov in open ground..
  4. Vegetation period up to 135 days.
  5. About 8 fruits can grow on one inflorescence.
  6. Can be used for canning, salads and other cold dishes.Good taste. If you love aromatic tomatoes, then this variety is for you. Several times tomato Cosmonaut Volkov

Features of growing tomato Cosmonaut Volkov

This tomato variety is tall, so if you want to achieve a good harvest, you need to know the peculiarities of growing Cosmonaut Volkov. To prevent the stems from breaking under the weight of their own fruits, the ropes and trellises must be stretched in the greenhouse. This will help to properly tie the tomatoes. Protect this variety from diseases, make sure that the distance between the bushes is at least 70 cm.

This tomato variety is tall, so if you want to achieve a good harvest, you need to know the peculiarities of growing Cosmonaut Volkov.

Cosmonaut Volkov is grown by the seedling method. Sow seeds in boxes two months before transferring the seedlings to the greenhouse. In mid-July, this variety is pinched to stop growth a little and form a bush..

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Watering is best done sparingly, but abundantly. When the ovaries have already formed, you can increase the amount of watering. After watering, it is advisable to open the greenhouse and loosen the ground. An open greenhouse will give insects access to pollinate tomatoes. Together with beneficial insects, pests can get there, so it is important to take preventive measures to combat them..

Watering is best done sparingly, but abundantly. When the ovaries have already formed, you can increase the amount of watering. After watering, it is advisable to open the greenhouse and loosen the ground. An open greenhouse will give insects access to pollinate tomatoes.

Every two weeks it is worth feeding with mineral fertilizers to strengthen the plant and improve yields. The crop is harvested when the tomatoes are not yet fully ripe. Brown tomatoes ripen well in a cellar or in a cool place.

Description and characteristics of tomatoes Cosmonaut Volkov will allow you to decide whether it is worth planting a garden with this variety or not. With your own hands, you can achieve good results in growing vegetables.

Reviews of tomatoes Cosmonaut Volkov

Marina: “For the first time I planted this type of tomato on my plots, and the result exceeded all my expectations. I advise everyone who has a greenhouse in the country. The harvest is really big “.

Olga: “I tried to plant the tomatoes Cosmonaut Volkov in the open ground. It turned out to grow them. All members of our family liked the amazing-tasting tomatoes. “.

Marina: “For the first time I planted this type of tomato on my plots, and the result exceeded all my expectations. I advise everyone,

Nikolay: “We have been planting Volkov tomatoes for several years now and always have a good harvest. The fruits are large and ideal for salads. Next year we will definitely plant this variety both in the greenhouse and in the open ground “.

Tomatoes Cosmonaut Volkov received a lot of positive feedback, so try planting them on your site and you will be surprised at the result..