The influence of indoor plants on the atmosphere of the house

Often, indoor plants are treated only as home decoration or medicinal raw materials, which are always at hand. In fact, home flora improves the microclimate, harmonizes the apartment space, and also works as an air purifier. It is in the power of our green roommates to neutralize toxins emitted by modern technology or furniture materials: synthetic coatings, fiberboard, chipboard … Add to this the negative from electromagnetic waves emitted by household appliances, the usual room dust, smoke from cigarettes and various pathological microorganisms, which are full in the air … Is this why we often feel a lack of strength or even get sick for no apparent reason, in our opinion??

Of course, we are trying to increase the resistance of our body to all sorts of ailments by actively consuming tonic and multivitamin preparations. However, it makes sense to create a welcoming, airy environment at home and in the office as well. Indoor plants can help with this. The green inhabitants of our apartment normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, have a beneficial effect on the physiology, energy potential and psychological state of the body. The choice of indoor plants should be approached consciously, taking into account what their cleansing and protective qualities you need at a given time..

You should not equip your home greenhouse with flowers for all occasions. Although in each of them one of the positive properties is clearly manifested – they are often multifunctional in their qualities..

The choice of indoor plants should be approached consciously, taking into account what their cleansing and protective qualities you need at a given time.

Aloe – the plant is able to reduce the concentration of toxins, absorbs carbon dioxide at night and enriches the air with oxygen. Removes electrification and protects from injury.

Anthurium – neutralizes ammonia compounds, toluene, xylene, increases air humidity. Has a positive effect on timid people, improves energy at home.

Araucaria – another excellent humidifier in the apartment, in addition, it is able to eliminate toxic substances, stimulate the body’s activity and increase vital activity.

Begonia – gives great aesthetic satisfaction, distracts from everyday problems and awakens to new desires and achievements.

Dieffenbachia – perfectly transpires moisture and neutralizes toxins such as xylene and toluene. The flower is suitable for people engaged in mental activity. Dieffenbachia activates the work of both hemispheres of the brain, improves its condition in case of problems with blood circulation.

Dracaena – an excellent neutralizer of toxic compounds, in particular, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene. The latter appears in the air as a result of the work of laser and copying equipment. Dracaena raises the level of vitality and equally favorably affects both the human body and the animal body.

Cactus – neutralizes radiation radiation, well protects against negative influences coming from outside.

Lemon – saturates any home with joyful vibes, vitality and activity. Intense citrus aroma improves breathing. Lemon transform negative energy waves into positive ones, increase efficiency and mental activity.

Arrowroot – very good for office space. It helps to humidify the air and neutralizes harmful chemical compounds such as ammonia. The plant finally helps to finish a long-started business. Fearful people should buy arrowroot because of its ability to energetically push towards self-defense..

Monstera – perfectly humidifies the air, harmonizes the atmosphere in the room and fills it with active energy.

Nolina – the second name of the flower is bokarney. It emits a highly grounding and calming energy that is very beneficial for people prone to anxiety. Gives energy recharge to those who are not afraid to overcome life obstacles.

Fern – harmonizes the work of the nervous system, helps people engaged in active mental work, especially collective work. Good neutralizer of toxic compounds and humidifier.

Ivy – one of the best for formaldehyde neutralization. That is why it is worth placing it in rooms with vinyl wallpaper and linoleum flooring. Helps to find a way out in difficult situations, keep inner balance and bring creative ideas to life.

Pelargonium – its leaves emit phytoncides. Thanks to these volatile substances, the plant destroys pathological microorganisms and freshens the air. Geranium scent helps with lung diseases and colds.

Poinsettia – activates cardiac activity, enhances blood circulation, an excellent neutralizer of toxins.

Sansevieria – destroys toxic chemical compounds. Promotes the setting of life goals and their achievement.

Spathiphyllum – neutralizes toxic substances, including formaldehyde and acetone, is able to neutralize alcoholic odors. Harmonizes energy vibrations in the room.

Fat woman – gives aesthetic pleasure. Helps to improve financial condition, especially if adjacent to a chrysanthemum during flowering or an orange tree.

Violet – pleases the eye with its modest grace, cheers up and gives the energy of love of life.

Ficus Benjamin – useful for office spaces with a lot of copiers and printers. Able to destroy compounds of ammonia, toluene, formaldehyde. In addition, the plant perfectly moisturizes the air space of the room..

Philodendron – neutralizes toxic substances. Refreshes the energy in the apartment, helps to relax and have a good rest, nourishes in difficult situations.

Hamedorea – increases air humidity, eliminating trichlorethylene, benzene compounds, formaldehyde from it. Useful for timid people and those who do not know how to value themselves, trying to please everyone.

Chlorophytum Is an excellent energy purifier that transforms negative energy waves into positive ones. Reduces the harmful effects of toxins released during frying. Strengthens strength, increases energy reserves, especially during strenuous activities.

Chrysanthemum – neutralizes ammonia and formaldehyde. Harmonizes the human condition and gives strength.

Epipremium – possesses good transpiration, eliminates toxic substances and odor from copying equipment. Optimal for office space. Harmonizes the intellectual and emotional spheres of a person, contributing to the natural balance between them.

Ehmeya – intensively resists the spread of toxic compounds. The energy of this plant helps to gather and activate the internal forces, who do not know how to stand up for themselves.

Yucca – a wonderful flower for aesthetic contemplation, and at the same time it radiates aggressiveness. Therefore, it will become a good assistant-catalyst for fearful people who are experiencing difficulties in achieving life goals..

The main thing to consider when purchasing a green home assistant is that plants need your attention, love and care. Only in this case will they become reliable defenders in many difficult situations..
