How to make a simple felt heart. Ideas. Photo

A soft toy is the best gift for a loved one. If you don’t know how to sew, don’t be discouraged. Modern needlewomen widely use a variety of materials, so in order to make a beautiful soft heart, you do not need to spend a lot of time. Felt can be called a unique material for needlework, as it does not require additional processing of the edges. We offer you several manufacturing options hearts made of felt do it yourself in just 10-15 minutes.

Soft felt hearts

In order to sew original hearts, you will need thin felt, synthetic winterizer and threads. Take the heart template and transfer it to the fabric.

voluminous hearts of their felt

Make hearts of different sizes and colors, depending on their purpose. Volumetric hearts will look beautiful instead of a keychain.

In order to sew original hearts, you will need thin felt, synthetic winterizer and threads. Take the heart template and transfer it to the fabric. Make hearts of different sizes and colors, depending on their purpose. Volumetric hearts will look beautiful instead of a keychain.

If you only have thick felt, then just sew two hearts together. You do not need to insert the filler, as the craft will look beautiful this way..

If you only have thick felt, then just sew two hearts together. You can leave out the filler, as the craft will look beautiful this way.Original felt hearts

Garland of felt hearts

In order to make many hearts in a short time, you need to take two identical felt rectangles and glue them together on one side. The second side must be glued so that an elongated heart is obtained. After that, cut into identical strips and you will get original figures..

In order to make many hearts in a short time, you need to take two identical rectangles made of felt and glue them together on one side. The second side must be glued so that an elongated heart is obtained.

Also read: Crafts from paper hearts with your own hands

These hearts can be used to decorate the interior, for example, try to make a garland or hang them on a flower..

These hearts can be used to decorate the interior, for example, try making a garland or hanging them on a flower.

If you do not have the time and patience to make topiary, find a beautiful dry twig, plaster it in a beautiful pot and hang hearts on it.

If you don't have the time and patience to make topiary, find a beautiful dry twig, plaster it in a beautiful pot and hang hearts on it.Felt garland

Felt decor in 10 minutes

Sticks with hearts will be a beautiful decoration of the table. To do this, take thick felt and curly scissors. On bamboo kebab sticks, you can glue the cut out felt hearts with a hot glue gun.

You can use a hot glue gun to glue cut felt hearts onto bamboo kebab sticks.

Hearts of different colors and sizes look original. If you want to make a double-sided craft, then take a thin felt. Glue the hearts together, and then put on a stick.

Hearts of different colors and sizes look original. If you want to make a double-sided craft, then take a thin felt. Glue the hearts together, and then put them on the stick.Heart with felt applique

The felt does not fray, so there is no need to tuck the edges. You can come up with your own ideas on how to make felt hearts. Felt sheets can be larger than A4, so try to sew a large beautiful heart, and embroider beautiful wishes or poems on it. A gift made with love will remind you of the giver for a long time.

heart made of felt with embroideryBeautiful felt heartFelt sheets can be larger than A4, so try to sew a large beautiful heart, and embroider beautiful wishes or poems on it. A gift made with love will remind you of the giver for a long time.Heart made of felt with lace